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The Solution

The Verndum solution is a state-of-the-art security solution that aims to prevent breaches before they happen. This security seal is driven by data and addresses the current problems related to tamper security and theft of cargo while protecting the integrity of the product.

The Verndum solution solves and prevents problems, with outcomes including:

  • Improvement in productivity
  • Reduction in losses
  • Resolves litigation disputes, insurance claims and negligence activities
  • Aids personal management and boosts performance

The solution can detect and immediately report inappropiate disturbances. API technology monitors unauthorised movement or logistic incidents during user-set times and conditions. Using the Verndum solution, all necessary partners can be granted access, with distinct levels of access able to be applied to only allow specific tasks in logistics solutions or to view all references and data captured.

The solution can be applied to any industry where product integrity is vital to the success of the product or outcome


What's the issue?

Did you know that around 90% of the world’s trade is transported in cargo containers? In 2020, world trade in goods and services amounted to US $22 trillion.

With often valuable produce transported within these containers, theft is extremely prevalent and, unfortunately, very common.

The mechanical seals protecting trade products are easily circumvented, tampered with, or substituted with counterfeit seals. When these seals are tampered with, the event often occurs at a time and place that makes detection and recovery unlikely.

The easily-adapted seals that are present in today’s industry also pose a whole lot of other cross-over challenges for cargo losses. These include corruption within the supply chain, smuggling of drugs and persons and disruptions to business continuity that created opportunities for cargo crime to thrive. At a minimum, this can delay the progress of shipments through the supply chain. At a maximum, it could result in a total loss of goods due to the breach of shipment integrity.

Where do we come in?

The Verndum Data Seal provides secure data access and storage. With this data able to be made readily available to authorities, the processing time at ports can be sped up. This data seal aids in detecting and reporting the installation and removal of container bolt seals and monitoring their integrity as the containers travel through the supply chain. It also tracks when custody changes hands, combined with any reporting that occurs immediately when at monitored locations.

It is determined that the Verndum solution equips a logistics provider with a visible and differentiable service to their customers while, at the same time, reducing time spent on manually tracking shipments and determining where and when container and contents losses occur. With this loss/damage knowledge from data in hand, future losses can be avoided by identifying the problem, location and personnel involved. From here, new procedures can be implemented quickly in real-time to eliminate the risk of reoccurrence, resulting in increased productivity, reduced insurance costs and improved product Integrity. Once enough data is collected, we can identify problems as soon as an event, procedure or activity goes out of the normal range of acceptability through data analysis.

Secure Your Container With Confidence

Temperature Control Integrity

Cargo Integrity Critical challenges exist in maintaining integrity in the temperature-controlled vaccine supply chain, including accurate instructions and communications between stakeholders. Risk exists at every moment of time, across packaging, packing, transport, and unpacking. Such sensitive cargo will be vulnerable to the smallest error, variation, or discrepancy. Vaccines, specifically, are not just perishable but also subject to tight regulations transportation. Of relevance are the controls necessary with traceability and evidence of integrity throughout the journey. Where the supply chain’s integrity is disrupted through attempted or actual theft in transit, affected cargoes (and batches thereof) are likely to be considered a total loss.

Modernising Container Security Is Essential to Secure Application Development

Most traditional security tools agencies rely on, are not designed to effectively show what is going on inside and outside of a container. Temper Evident Data/Seals features are easy to inspect to facilitate regular checks at various points on route.

Verndum Permanent Tamper Evident Tape
Verndum Permanent Tamper Evident Tape 2
Verndum Permanent Tamper Evident Tape 3
Verndum Permanent Tamper Evident Tape 4

Custom Border Control

Using Verndum solution for border control gives you customs agency a very powerful tool to ensure safe and efficient passage for legitimate container movement. Once cargo is inspected at a border control it cannot be physically changed without clean tamper evidence being presented, Verndum can be extended to associated other logistics assets such as trailers, prime mover, driver identification and documentation, adding a much broader and real view of how a container is being transited over country borders.

Verndum protection gives a physical connection to data against a container/cargo, whatever border it may be in the world, or whatever physical state cargo is presented. Meaning at every checkpoint and random check points, cargo is identifiable on status meaning any physical changes will be quickly identified with data evidence. Verndum cannot be copied or replaced, making it the strongest tamper evident mechanism available. Insuring what enters country borders and exits out or is received by end user has arrived without being tampered or contaminated, either accidental or deliberate.

Food & Produce

To be able to trace produce to the end user is such an important requirement in today’s world to provide and share knowledge that what you are selling has integrity on which country it is from and how it was produced and what date it was harvested or produced from either from the land or sea. To stand out from inferior unsafe unscrupulous producers misleading consumers which will give your product a market edge and higher value.

Verndum can provide this solution whether you catch your harvest from the sea, grow in the fields or from farm livestock.

Food Traceability

What's the issue?

Protecting the credibility and integrity of produce, including certifying its origin, is often something that can easily be tampered with, therefore misleading consumers. Customers, consumers and end-users want proof that their product’s integrity is intact. This includes ensuring it has come from a reputable supplier and has been grown or harvested in a sustainable and environmentally safe manner along with best practices regarding animal welfare, certified processing plants, people and operations.

Where do we come in?

Applying the Verndum solution to livestock, crops, and seafood will protect the integrity and credibility of the product. These tags can identify the species, when it was harvested, the location and when it was processed. Every step taken in logistics is recorded until it arrives at the end-user. This gives consumers confidence that their product is genuine and integrity is intact. In return, it provides primary producers credibility that their product is a quality, sustainably produced or harvested product. Helping primary producers protect their product improves productivity and efficiency and foils illegal operations in supplying fake and inferior products sold off as premium produce or false claims of origin. In return, this will make genuine primary producers’ products more valuable and sort after in the marketplace.

Verndum can be applied to any industry

Verndum Oil Gas
Oil Gas
Verndum Building Maintenance
Building Maintenance
Verndum Policing
Verndum Military
Verndum Government
Verndum Mining
Verndum Maritime
Verndum Pharmaceutical

Building Auditing and Maintenance Plans

What's the issue?

When it comes to completing auditing checks and undertaking routine maintenance of a business, there are often many steps and moving parts in the auditing process—all of which need to be checked regularly. With so many items to tick off, it’s easy for things to get missed and errors to be made in timing and scheduling. These errors can even be vitally Important to productivity, integrity and occupational health and safety in the event of an emergency.

Where do we come in?

The Verndum solution can be applied to any industry, asset, activity or event. The interface allows you to upload data and images, ensuring tasks have been completed with data evidence. Information regarding where, when and by who – for every completed task – enables a control room’s decision-makers to make a quick and accurate decision with real-time data from the site

Asset Management

Verndum asset management solution will give you the most efficient productive way to conduct maintain your asset management giving you real time information and solutions to maintenance to controlling your assets within your environment with technicians having diagnostic information at the site of maintenance no down time quick turnaround on decision making for works required and parts needed giving management control on part cost and exact time spent at each task.

Controlling Administrator can task programming item due for routine maintenance, emergency breakdowns, jobs pending, technician details, productivity, Quality assurance, Decommission, replacement parts, Actions! Auditing, control assets in the field, All these activities can be generated into reports.

Users with sufficient levels of access can also bring up the history of any past event. Data evidence, images, location, works completed, action taken, decisions made, and who completed these tasks will be available to view. This will prevent any inconsistencies that may occur and be able to control time management, actions taken or not taken.

With various access levels available for users, a supervisor can remotely log in from any location to solve any issues that may have arisen. Whether making a call to isolate a specific area or shutting a unit down, the evidence provided in the solution will allow for real-time decision-making.

Applying the Verndum solution aides and improves:

  • Disaster management
  • Productivity
  • Health and safety credibility
  • Litigation disputes
  • Negligent activities

Medical Doping

What's the issue?

The integrity of a specimen is vital in the medical industry, as tampering with medical substances can cause incorrect results, which could change the outcome of events (such as doping in sport). Specimen and other medical equipment can be compromised, altered, or stolen without proper security. Without accountability, medical doping can run free throughout the sporting industry.

Where do we come in?

The Verndum solution provides specimen integrity in any environment or situation and the integrity of vessels by being able to join real-life testing activities to data being used through the collection of specimens data and security. Uploading images of a test sample before transporting it to be tested can track any breaches with both a physical and data presence of integrity. If there are any changes in the specimen taken recorded on arrival to the lab, it’s clear that tampering has played a part.

The complete solution can track the time and location of where the sample is taken and track vessel integrity from supplier to being supplied, receiving in the field, and being used.

The evidence entered the Verndum solution is conclusive, therefore eliminating openings to compromise the integrity of a specimen.


Attach permanent Verndum marking to your product at production and provide permanent data access to your product also instantly adding security and integrity to your product, you can access warranties, servicing detail or operational instructions whatever you require; this could carry on to the retailer details followed by purchaser who would have all this information at his disposal can never be lost.

By a simple scanning Verndum code, entering a password to access all information.

Product Protection

If the product was ever lost or stolen making it easier to contact the owner by simply scanning code for details or making it harder for criminals to sell stolen items. Can update message to read lost return too, or stolen report to police when code is scanned. Giving your clients added value and security to your product.

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