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Sectors we service

Land Logistics

For Governments, Enforcement organisations, businesses and infrastructure across the globe face an ever-growing need for effective logistic security solutions.

Food Traceability - Farm to Plate

To be able to trace produce to the end user is such an important requirement in today’s world to provide and share knowledge that what you are selling has integrity on which country it is from and how it was produced and what date it was harvested or produced from either from the land or sea. To stand out from inferior unsafe unscrupulous producers misleading consumers which will give your product a market edge and higher value.

Verndum can provide this solution whether you catch your harvest from the sea, grow in the fields or from farm livestock.


Food security and protection is of vital national importance to governments on all levels where a national approach is required Verndum can provide traceability solutions.

Livestock traceability from birth/ farm to sales/ abattoir/packaging to export maintaining product integrity. Verndum can provide real time industry safeguards to protect primary producers from inferior products substitution being sold with incorrect or misleading labelling. This will help to eliminate mis reputation of product and black-market activities to provide industry with sustainable future and harvesting.

Also built into Verndum is the capability to limit the effects of disease/contamination/environmental outbreak by identifying infected areas and being able to isolate these areas quickly notify all concerned and ceasing all logistics and livestock movements to limit the spread and contact of disease within a few hours. Potentially saving millions in lost revenue of exports.
Resulting in end users having confidents that the product is safe and with integrity lifting the profile and the value of the primary producer.

Verndum can be applied to any harvest whether it is from the sea, a crop or livestock.


Attach permanent Verndum marking to your product at production and provide permanent data access to your product also instantly adding security and integrity to your product, you can access warranties, servicing detail or operational instructions whatever you require; this could carry on to the retailer details followed by purchaser who would have all this information at his disposal can never be lost.

By a simple scanning Verndum code, entering a password to access all information.

Verndum can be applied to any industry

Verndum Oil Gas
Oil Gas
Verndum Building Maintenance
Building Maintenance
Verndum Policing
Verndum Military
Verndum Government
Verndum Mining
Verndum Maritime
Verndum Pharmaceutical

Temperature Control Integrity

Cargo Integrity Critical challenges exist in maintaining integrity in the temperature-controlled vaccine supply chain, including accurate instructions and communications between stakeholders. Risk exists at every moment of time, across packaging, packing, transport, and unpacking. Such sensitive cargo will be vulnerable to the smallest error, variation, or discrepancy. Vaccines, specifically, are not just perishable but also subject to tight regulations transportation. Of relevance are the controls necessary with traceability and evidence of integrity throughout the journey. Where the supply chain’s integrity is disrupted through attempted or actual theft in transit, affected cargoes (and batches thereof) are likely to be considered a total loss.

Secure Your Container With Confidence

Custom Border Control

Using Verndum solution for border control gives you customs agency a very powerful tool to ensure safe and efficient passage for legitimate container movement. Once cargo is inspected at a border control it cannot be physically changed without clean tamper evidence being presented, Verndum can be extended to associated other logistics assets such as trailers, prime mover, driver identification and documentation, adding a much broader and real view of how a container is being transited over country borders.

Verndum protection gives a physical connection to data against a container/cargo, whatever border it may be in the world, or whatever physical state cargo is presented. Meaning at every checkpoint and random check points, cargo is identifiable on status meaning any physical changes will be quickly identified with data evidence. Verndum cannot be copied or replaced, making it the strongest tamper evident mechanism available. Insuring what enters country borders and exits out or is received by end user has arrived without being tampered or contaminated, either accidental or deliberate.

Modernising Container Security Is Essential to Secure Application Development

Most traditional security tools agencies rely on, are not designed to effectively show what is going on inside and outside of a container. Temper Evident Data/Seals features are easy to inspect to facilitate regular checks at various points on route.

Verndum Logistics Seals
Verndum Permanent Tamper Evident Tape
Verndum Permanent Tamper Evident Tape 2
Verndum Permanent Tamper Evident Tape 3
Verndum Permanent Tamper Evident Tape 4
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