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A global Logistics
security solution.

Our range protects the integrity of your asset through custom solutions tailored to your industry. The Verndum solution services all industries, including:

  • Logistics
  • Food Traceability
  • Building auditing and maintenance plans
  • Medical doping
Data Backed Evidence
Data-Backed Evidence

Data entered into the solution is conclusive, eliminating opportunities for an asset to be compromised.

api Technology
API Technology

State-of-the-art technology allows for any disturbances or unauthorised movements to be immediately reported.

Iron-Clad Security
Iron-Clad Security

Prevents security breaches and issues before they arise whilst protecting the integrity of an asset, events and procedure. Each user group can be issued distinct levels of access.


The Growth of shipping around the world and the globalisation of the containers business which covers 90% of all cargo logistics has brought its own security problems and increased threats to cargo.


Intermodal containers, cargo wagon, tanker cars and container tankers with tampering hardware joined with real time evident data at every step on the logistics journey.


The evolving threat within aviation presents a continuous challenge but every airport operation remains a potential target and now more than ever effective logistics security is an absolute requirement.


Governments, organisations, businesses and infrastructure across the globe face an ever-growing need for effective logistics security solutions.
Where logistics can be checked and validated in real time.

About Verndum

With an extensive portfolio of packaged plans available, Verndum offers state-of-the-art services and solutions to meet global government and industry requirements. A wide range of cutting-edge solutions is available to ensure iron-clad protection and security at the forefront of your business.

Governments, organisations, businesses, and infrastructure across the globe face an ever-growing need for effective security solutions. This is where the Verndum solution comes in.


The mission of Verndum is to build capacity in government agencies and intermodal logistics companies seeking to improve risk management, supply chain security and trade facilitation in seaports, land-borders and airports to prevent the cross-border movement of illicit goods and theft of product in cargo and shipping containers.


The mission of Verndum is to build capacity in government agencies and intermodal logistics companies seeking to improve risk management, supply chain security and trade facilitation in seaports, land-borders and airports to prevent the cross-border movement of illicit goods and theft of product in cargo and shipping containers.

Verndum Global Logistics Security
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The Solution

The Verndum solution is a state-of-the-art security solution that aims to prevent breaches before they happen. This security seal is driven by data and addresses the current problems related to tamper security and theft of cargo while protecting the integrity of the product.

The Verndum solution solves and prevents problems, with outcomes including:

  • Improvement in productivity
  • Reduction in losses
  • Resolves litigation disputes, insurance claims and negligence activities
  • Aids personal management and boosts performance

The solution can detect and immediately report inappropriate disturbances. API technology monitors unauthorised movement or logistic incidents during user-set times and conditions. Using the Verndum solution, all necessary partners can be granted access, with distinct levels of access able to be applied to only allow specific tasks in logistics solutions or to view all references and data captured.

The solution can be applied to any industry where product integrity is vital to the success of the product or outcome;

  • Logistics
  • Food Traceability
  • Manufacturing
  • Building, Auditing and Maintenance Plan
  • Medical Doping
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